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    new motor performance test for myopathy

    Cerebral Palsy In Infancy
    Dear colleagues,

    This thesis on muscle strength testing in children - Willeke van den Beld - is one that we physiotherapists should know about. It is a test constructed ( after a pilot study- Item assessment in the development of a diagnostic motor performance test for myopathy in children. Dev Med child Neurol 1993;35:608-13) to spare children the sometimes painful muscle biopsy. A new non invasive test, with a standardized protocol, validated, with high diagnostic power ,high test-retest reliability and high reproducibility.

    This Motor Performance Test is especially for children suspected of having myopathy on the basis of their history and physical examination, although they may have negative ( normal ) results in other examinations.

    The five ( child friendly ) items can be administered by a physiotherapist strictly following the standardized protocol, including simple games to motivate the children because it is very important to achieve a high level of co-operation and motivation when measuring maximum muscle strength and muscle endurance.
    It has proven highly suitable for children aged 4 to 11 years.
    It is potentially suitable to monitor the course of myopathy in children.

    Want to know more?
    Book: Muscle Strength Testing in Children: Development and evaluation of a Motor Performance Test for myopathy.
    Author 2006 Willeke A. van den Beld, Nijmegen The Netherlands, Printed by Quickprint BV in Nijmegen
    ISBN 90-9020726-0

    Validity and reproducibility of a new diagnostic motor performance test in children with suspected myopathy.
    Willek A. van den Beld et al. Dev Med Child Neurol 2006, 48:20-27

    Kind regards

    correspondence address.
    email: [email protected]

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    Last edited by physiobob; 16-02-2008 at 05:02 PM.

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