Hi new member so hope I get this right.....
4 weeks ago,I fractured my lateral malleolus at the ankle,good news is that is was undisplaced and stable. The xrays came back saying "an oblique fracture through the distal fibula at the level of the ankle mortis. The ankle mortis is maintained and the talar dome is intact" he did say I was lucky as 1/2" higher and it was a full leg cast and 1" higher meant surgery.
The order came through for a walking cast but not knowing when I went in I was give a hard cast below the knee with a walking boot to put on for later. He said at the time it was a small fracture and that I should not even know it happened in about 8 weeks time.....And to not weight bear for 3 weeks or till I saw my doctor which will be 4 weeks because hard to get in to see him.
Did he make a reasonable assesment of my injury? I have heard so many different answers not to sure what it will be.
The ankle feels good and can take weight no problem but I am keeping off of it.but have heard it is good to put weight on it as soon as you can.Should I ask for a walking cast so I can start getting mobilty in my ankle? I want to get back at it,I am very active but also don't want to hurt my recovery.
Any suggestions or input is appreciated

Thanks Millzee