I hope you will be able to help me with a query.
I've had ac joint and supraspinatus pain for 15 months now. I've seen an orthopaedic surgeon who has done x-rays, mri and 3 steroid injections under x-ray straight into the ac joint. I've also had about 3 months of extensive physio privately but this made no difference.
The mri showed quite a few problems including a small full thickness tear, but the surgeon said none of the findings matched the symptoms. It hurts at the top end of the range of movement, but moving it to the other shoulder really hurts - especially with any resistance.
The xray showed a narrow ac joint. He then did 3 injections.
The problem is that the injections work really well for about 2 months, and then the pain returns. The 3rd injection is just starting to wear off now and previously he said that if this one didn't cure it, then he would operate and remove some of the end of the joint (if that makes sense!!)
I saw him yesterday and he said that as this was wearing off, it proves that he has been targetting the right area, and that I've now got to have physio for 2 months as a last attempt before they operate. However, he did say that if the combination of the injection and the physio works, then surgery will cure it long term.
I'm a bit confused as it seems that he's saying he'll operate if it doesn't help, and he'll operate if it does!!
Also, since the 3rd injection I get a popping sensation in my shoulder, especially when driving. I just shrug my shoulders and it pops back in. Not sure how this is related as I didn't have it before.
Is there any advice any physios can give me if they've seen this sort of thing before?? I play a lot of tennis (right handed, and it's my right shoulder) and just want to get back to full fitness as soon as possible. Apart from running (which is wrecking my hip and shins!) I can't really do much at the moment and am moody if I can't train
