i fell 14 weeks ago first week had to crawl on hands on knees or lean on hubby, i was bent over with pain moving in any direction
second week pain mostly in buttock area but still unable to lift anything had to buy a plastic cup to have coffee ect,
6th week thought i was ok had very little pain but had week sensation in back, the following week things started getting worse, after walking my back would lock up and have sharp pain, also noticed back straining to climb stairs, have also got dull pain buttock both sides all the time,
at nights pain changes to sharp shooting pains in lower back keeping me awake hours,
14 weeks on im now getting pain hip, groin front of leg and buttock pain now burning, these pains not constant last about 4 seconds and comes and go but very sharp, my lower back pain is still present and walking is still causing pain,
this week did see orthopeadic consultant whom tested nerves these fine also got me to move few directions then told me nothing broken, he did not give any explanation what might be wrong and told me go back see gp,
i dont see how my gp is going to help, im wondering if any of u know what might be wrong and if seeing a physio private be worth it,
thanks for any info u can give

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