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    Brief Medical History Overview

    pain after fall on buttock

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    i fell 14 weeks ago first week had to crawl on hands on knees or lean on hubby, i was bent over with pain moving in any direction
    second week pain mostly in buttock area but still unable to lift anything had to buy a plastic cup to have coffee ect,
    6th week thought i was ok had very little pain but had week sensation in back, the following week things started getting worse, after walking my back would lock up and have sharp pain, also noticed back straining to climb stairs, have also got dull pain buttock both sides all the time,
    at nights pain changes to sharp shooting pains in lower back keeping me awake hours,
    14 weeks on im now getting pain hip, groin front of leg and buttock pain now burning, these pains not constant last about 4 seconds and comes and go but very sharp, my lower back pain is still present and walking is still causing pain,
    this week did see orthopeadic consultant whom tested nerves these fine also got me to move few directions then told me nothing broken, he did not give any explanation what might be wrong and told me go back see gp,
    i dont see how my gp is going to help, im wondering if any of u know what might be wrong and if seeing a physio private be worth it,
    thanks for any info u can give

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    Re: pain after fall on buttock

    You may try consulting a physio, maybe you just need some prescribed exercises and soft massages pinpointing on pained areas. Try the link below for additional info. Just concern..

    [B][I][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="3"][URL="http://www.summitphysio.com.au/"]summit physiotherapy[/URL][/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B]

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    Re: pain after fall on buttock

    Quote Originally Posted by aileen View Post
    i fell 14 weeks ago first week had to crawl on hands on knees or lean on hubby, i was bent over with pain moving in any direction
    second week pain mostly in buttock area but still unable to lift anything had to buy a plastic cup to have coffee ect,
    6th week thought i was ok had very little pain but had week sensation in back, the following week things started getting worse, after walking my back would lock up and have sharp pain, also noticed back straining to climb stairs, have also got dull pain buttock both sides all the time,
    at nights pain changes to sharp shooting pains in lower back keeping me awake hours,
    14 weeks on im now getting pain hip, groin front of leg and buttock pain now burning, these pains not constant last about 4 seconds and comes and go but very sharp, my lower back pain is still present and walking is still causing pain,
    this week did see orthopeadic consultant whom tested nerves these fine also got me to move few directions then told me nothing broken, he did not give any explanation what might be wrong and told me go back see gp,
    i dont see how my gp is going to help, im wondering if any of u know what might be wrong and if seeing a physio private be worth it,
    thanks for any info u can give
    Do you find yourself pushing your back to see how long you can keep going or tolerate the pain?

    Do you cont to walk despite have the on set of Sx at a low level?

    When sitting and you find youself getting uncomortable, do you cont to sit and change positions to stay comfortable?

    In the morning do you wake with pain that seems to get a little better with movement (warming up ), and then progressively gets worse as the day goes by?


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    Re: pain after fall on buttock

    the pain is fine morning, it gets worse sitting i have pain in my buttock, also pain gets gnawing all day lower back, i do not push myself walking pain just hits when i stop walking action, i have few seconds delay then its like back is stuck, as day goes on iv shooting pains down leg ect, my worst moment at now is bed time im struggling to sleep, if i lie on either side its like burning pulling pain, if i lie on back its shooting small like tooth ache pain, most nights getting 2 hours sleep, if someone rubs my back it does give some comforst but once they stop the pain is worse,

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    Re: pain after fall on buttock

    sry never mentioned sitting much, when i get up morning its fine after 15 mins sitting it starts, i have to move constant but the pain is in my buttock at the start of day, i sit on soft pillow as any hard seat i land in agony for days, the pain always starts buttock then then while trying to stand up have agony lower back, as the day goes on then the groin, leg and hip pain start, ty for any advice i have no idea if i should be using heat or cold or what i should try while in bed, i have tried pillows ect in bed but nothing works

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    Re: pain after fall on buttock

    Sounds to me like Sacro-Iliac joint pain. If traumatic usually caused by a fall. Initial starts with pain in the back, but soon after the surrounding muscles begin to spasm/tighten to try and protect the injured area.

    Best thing for you to do is put ice the the injured joint (normally it is below trouser waistline, a couple of cm away from the spine). The trick with this problem is not to do the same thing for long periods i.e. sit for a period, but as it starts to ache, walk around until it starts to ache and keep doing this. Main thing is get to see a physio/sports rehabilitator asap as it sounds like it is beyond your own help.

    Last thing to try, (I will try and explain). Lie on your back on the floor (as long as you can get back up), bend both knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Then put the ankle of your sore leg onto the knee of the other leg. Press down on your knee until you feel a stretch. If you don't feel anything, then use your hands to bring your non-problematic leg towards your chest. Make sure you don't put yourself in pain as this will just cause everything to tighten further. DIscomfort is ok though.

    Hope this helps

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    Re: pain after fall on buttock

    this going on longer than i thought did see physio and was absolute fine until last week, i went to get out car but was stuck hubby had to pull me out, monday pain was so bad was point thinking phoning ambulance, what happened monday was i went to get out bed fell had very little feeling on both legs, got myself up was ok except odd felling legs, done my 30 min walk that physio suggest i do, sreaight away after stopping action of walking back stuck landed huge pain, couldnt get of sear landed sweating just sitting i honestly thought i was going to pass out, after 1 hour got myself up but pain trying to walk was bad also grabbed every bit of furniture at sight my legs odd, tuesday never done my 30 min walk today not chancing it, back still to much pain, today is thursday and got out of bed no prob back fine, can anyone suggest whats going on? im not understanding how my back felt cured and now this?

  8. #8

    Re: pain after fall on buttock


    Probably you already got better but if not I strongly suggest a CT scan or Wikipedia reference-linkMRI. It will show if it is a disk protrusion or something else. I have the same problem but much less pain. I feel ok when standing or walking and feel pain only when sitting too long.

    Pchysio is a must for us and proper diagnosis (Ct scan or MRI)


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    Re: pain after fall on buttock

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Consider the possibility of an end-plate fracture in your lumbar spine vertebrae as well. End plate fracture is commonly caused by a compressive trauma such as landing on buttock. This injury affects the interface between your lumbar spinal disc and the bone of the vertebrae. Often, x-rays and sometimes Wikipedia reference-linkMRI would not detect this injury if it was not looked out for. At 14 weeks post injury without significant relief from your symptoms, I agree with robertcqu that organising a CT or MRI (if not done) would be appropriate.

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