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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Misdiagnosed Fractured Ankle

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I first hurt my foot on Nov 10th while I was visiting out of town, I had stepped off a ladder and instead of stepping on the sole of my foot I stepped onto the outside of my left foot. After a few hours went by I decided to go to the emergery room, I expained what happened and they only took a x-ray of my foot, not my ankle. They told me it was just a bad spain. They told me that I would need a cast in 5 - 6 days after the swelling went down. I went back to the emergency on Nov 12th, my ankle just didn't feel that good. The doctor looked at my x-rays and told me to just put an ice pack on every so often and elevate my foot, it was just a bad sprain. On Nov 15th, I went to a walk in client that I was told did casting. They looked at my x-rays and told me that I didn't need a cast, it was just a hairline crack in my little toes foot bone, they didn't even ask to look at my foot, at this time my whole foot and half way up my calf was black and blue. They told me all I needed was an aircast for about 5 to 6 weeks. On Dec 16th (5 weeks later) I finally went to the walk in clinic I usually go to here in my city. I insisted they take a x-ray of my ankle as well as my foot since I still have a bit of pain and have a hard time getting around my apartment without the aircast on. The x-ray showed that the outside bone of my ankle is broke off and the hairline crack in my foot bone has spread more (I'm thinking it was the swelling that pushed my foot bone together and once it went down it spread apart).
    I have a orthopaedic doctors appointment Tuesday morning (Dec 23rd), I told them the whole story and they squeezed me in or else I would have had to wait til Jan 8th. So, I guess I will find out what is going to happen then. I'm thinking surgery (pins/plate) and cast. I guess I should have gone for more x-rays to my clinic once the swelling was down. I just didn't think it was that bad, it hasn't been that painful.
    It will have been 6 weeks since I fractured my foot and ankle before I get it looked at by an orthopaedic doctor and who know how long before I get surgery. Can you please tell me what procedures and healing time I can expect now that surgery and casting wasn't done right away.
    Thank you for your help....

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    Re: Misdiagnosed Fractured Ankle

    Fractures of this nature are easily missed. Unless there is a gross mis-alignment of the fractured pieces, the fracture may be missed until there is some calcification of the factured surfaces.

    Your Post surgical recovery should be the same as if you had your surgery right away. 6 to 8 weeks for the bones to fuse and soft tissue to heal (baring any med problems or complications that may exist or occur). One thing that may extend your recovery will be the irritation that occurred due to Wt bearing on the unstable ankle. However it shouldn't extend it too long.

    Good luck


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    Re: Misdiagnosed Fractured Ankle

    Thank you OPI,

    I sure hope your right about the healing time and outcome of my fractured ankle.

    The hairline crack in the foot has gotten larger, I believe that the swelling was keeping the bone pushed together and once the swelling went down the bone started drifting apart. My fractured ankle really isn't that bad, just a little tender when I touch it.

    I guess I will find out on Tuesday what needs to be done and how long of a waiting time I will have. I was just under the impression that fractured had to be dealt with right away for the best outcome and I really don't want to have a lifetime of ankle and foot problems.

    Thanks again,


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    Re: Misdiagnosed Fractured Ankle

    what an interesting observation. Swelling for the most part is the bodies attempt to get the building materials that it needs to repair damage to injury sites. but because it also tightens things up, you are right it will seek to stablize things too.

    Pain and swelling are good things (bet no one has told you that yet). Swelling under control is part of the healing process. No swelling you will have delayed healing or no healing. Pain is your friend to...It tells you when something is wrong. so if you are walking around alot or standing alot, you body will start to tell you to get off when it has had enough. It's when you ignore that signal to get off the foot, when you start to have problems.

    Just remember before and after surgery (if needed) or injury, your body will let you know when it has had enough...Good luck with your Consult...have my fingers and toes crossed for you


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    Re: Misdiagnosed Fractured Ankle

    Have you tried consulting a physiotherapist? If it only happens to be a sprain then try the link below..who knows this might help you..just concern..

    [B][I][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="3"][URL="http://www.summitphysio.com.au/"]summit physiotherapy[/URL][/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B]

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    Re: Misdiagnosed Fractured Ankle

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Thank you Eshuro,

    I have more than just a bad spain, I fractured my ankle and a bone in my foot.
    I went to an orthopedic surgeon last week he looked at my x-rays and my foot, he told me the fractures will heal okay, they are in good line. I will just have to continue wearing the aircast til mid January and get more x-rays and come see him again. The doctor told me just no kicking or dancing while it heals! I do have full movement in my ankle, just a little tender where it is healing.

    Thanks again for your concern,

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