Brief Medical History Overview
puzzling psoas trouble

Hello, I'm a student--studying dance but planning on eventually becoming a PT when my body stops working. Given recent developments, that may be sooner than I had originally planned.
Anyways, over the course of the past three years, I've had three hip scopes.
Dec '05: Right hip; labral debridement
Oct '07: Right hip; labral debridement, ligamentum teres debridement, and osteoplasty to remove cam-type impingment from my femoral head/neck
Sept '08: Left hip; labral debridement, and osteoplasty (same as above).
Initially, I injured my right hip when I landed out of a leap and my body kept turning while my feet stayed planted--I felt something snap in my hip joint. It's unclear if it dislocated or not. At any rate, I pulled my psoas really well and tore my labrum. I had surgery which did not relieve any of my symptoms. I was then diagnosed with FAI and that was corrected. I did really well after that surgery until I had the same procedure performed on my left hip (damn symmetry!). While I was recovering and on crutches (4 weeks, non-weight bearing), pain returned to my right hip.
Originally, my surgeon thought it might be another labral tear but that was ruled out, or at least put in the very unlikely categorey, by an
MRI-arthrogram--I did not appear to have further labral damage or arthritic progression. I remained in physical therapy to continue rehabing the left and hopefully calm down whatever was going on it the right. Eventually we decided that my psoas was incredibly inflamed as was the joint itself and I had a steroid injection into both the joint and the psoas sheath a week ago. The local anesthetic gave me good relief. When that wore off, I was very sore for about two days until the steroid started working. The joint pain is now gone but I'm still having trouble with my psoas. It is very tight feeling and sore. I'm at my wits end--I've been dealing with this for 3 years and, just when I think things will finally be improving, I'm back seemingly at square one.
Any ideas? I'm resuming phyiscal therapy in a week but I feel like we've already tried everything. Thanks.
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