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    headache, fatigue and neck pain

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    i need advice as am so worried

    I have been having weekly physio sessions, went there after having continious headache and headpressure and once woke up with an ache in my neck.

    Well the physio, upon examination felt all the muscles on my neck and base of my head is inflammed and very tight. It wasnt until she was pressing (if that is the right word) that i was amazed how much pain i was in and how tender and sore everything is.

    So far had 4 sessions with some progress but its still there. Most of the head pressure is gone, but still have some daily mild headache which i suspect that wont go until the inflammation and soreness is resolved.

    She thinks that its caused by sitting incorrectly at the computer, as i go on internet daily for couple of hours to read stuff and studies.

    Thus perhaps the reason why the inflammation isnt going is i keep doing wrong thing, but i am trying to sit properly etc now.

    What i want to know is, since getting this problem, daily headaches etc, i am feeling fatigue. Is it related? I always been someone that gets tired very quickly (just the way i am) but sometimes i just feel so tired when i get those headaches, that are like dull achy feeling (nothing extreme, its bearable). Sometimes i even feel some wooziness (the type that u feel your briefly being pulled down).

    Due to all that, i had a CT scan with ink dye injection on my brain and inner ear just to make sure nothing serious is causing all this and i got the all clear, they couldnt see any problem.

    Could the fatigue (despite me getting plenty of sleep, actually i go to sleep late and oversleep sometimes the next morning) be caused from this muscle strain i have and headaches?

    I desperatly need advice, i am going for acupuncture and cupping now, the acupuncture gives me one days relief but nothing long term. I had one cupping session so will see how that goes.


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  2. #2

    Re: headache, fatigue and neck pain


    Sorry to hear about ur pain. I went through similar problems,

    Check the following:

    1. Are you an office worker? if yes, check your working position immediately. Keep your shoulders close to your body and the keybaord too!

    2. You problem:
    - tired: you are geting tired, if I amk not wrong your eyes are getting tired and your pain is around your eyes (at least that where it starts).
    - your neck is also getting tired because you shoulder muscels are pulling them down.
    - try to find the little muscle which is located just below you lower part of ur scalp and massage it. This will hurt but slowly it will take the pain away, be gentle.
    - get a massage to release the tension - acupuncture will also help
    - I believe you have strained the same muscle I had , this muscle is located between your shoulders. U might done it for both sides, I did only for my right side.
    - you might start feeling wrists problems or some other weakness in arms, no worries this will be related to the same problem
    - the issue seems to be scary but is not. U will be okay. I even did brain Wikipedia reference-linkMRI to check if there was no cancer, I found the c ause myslef.

    Do what I said and if it helps I will tell you what next.

    If you want the pain to go away quickly ask chiropractor to release the tension by a smal adjustment. But, tell him to do what I tell you exactly. My chiro damaged my spine, but this is another story.
    The adjustment which I am gonna describe is not dangerous and is only affecting the muscles and neck. One adjustment and you will be pain free for a few days. This may take a week, I did 2 adjustment in the first week and then the headache was gone.

    Physio will help but in my case I had to get the chiro to start the process. It worked well together.
    Additional Comment I forgot:
    I forgot to tell you what adjustment chiro has to do.

    if it is a good experienced chiro he will check your neck and then based on the place of the tension he will adjust the relevant muscle.

    If he does what I say it will mean he knows where the problem is:

    He will check you neck and around you lower part of the scalp. He will then adjust the muscle by adjusting your neck and most probably by asking you to stand back and squeesing your chest from behind at the levelof your chest. After each adjustment he will check if the tension is gone. You should feel an immediate release in the place where he touches (behind your head and in your neck).

    Make sure the chiro has at least 5 years experience and is licenced.
    Good luck

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    Re: headache, fatigue and neck pain

    I find those contour pillows made from memory foam can help neck ache. I tried one and found it to be helpful. You can get different ones in various different designs likes contoured or made from memory foam.
    I would recommend them.

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    Re: headache, fatigue and neck pain

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    When I had neck pain I searched online and found a site selling those memory pillow. I bought a pair and it turns out to be the best pillows for neck pain I have tried.
    Definitely recommended.


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