Brief Medical History Overview
Quadricep Injury through football/soccer, while striking the ball.

Basically i play football(soccer), stopped playing for around 2/3 years due to injuries, work commitments etc. I started playing again this season and recently have felt quad injuries in my right side.
Everything was fine until around 3 weeks ago when in the match I felt my quad tighten sharply while striking the ball for a long high pass. I came off and then after the game finished i rested and iced it for a couple of days then as i thought it was because my muscles were working harder thought maybe i could run it off, i went for a run 2 days back to back, just a short distance at 60-70%. Still felt some pain so left it until the next match which was 5 days later.
In the next match I did a few quad stretches (Standard: standing heel touching buttocks) im assured my technique for the stretch has always been correct mainly as it is part of my university course. Anyways after my warm up I felt my quad just go playing a short 5-10m pass, i stretched further before the game to get my quad warmer. i played 60 minutes of the match and every short pass was ok generally but once i try to strike the ball hard or any distance the quad tightens.
My main points:
-The pain is mainly my upper right quad, when i massage to see if there is any pain i can feel it intensely hurt when pressing around 3/4 of the way up my thigh.
-The following recovery days of the game i walk awkwardly especially when confronted with stairs.
-The pain does ease as the week goes on.
-Serious twinges of tightness is felt in the thigh during activity.
-The problem is not repeated in my left thigh when striking the ball distance or hard. (I am right footed)
-Pain returns virtually as soon as i kick a ball, making running awkward.
-Previous injuries were not gained through playing sports but resulted mainly in ligament damage in the ankle, so un-related.
-Though I have restarted playin after a few years, i spent 2 months virtually injury free apart from fatigue issues.
-Have had a hamstring issue when first returning to playing, suggesting maybe posture or back problems but this issue went away the following week.
Would appreciate any insight, opinion, support or suggestions on the injury and what to do next.
Thanks in Advance
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