Hi all! I am just wondering if anyone can give me some advice!!

Around this time last year I started developing pains in my right foot. It began with an ache in my mid toes. After this I started noticing burning pains in my ball and then pain in my heel and ankle. My left foot also started to become affected (but far less). My right ankle began to click a lot when I tried to rotate it and my right knee clicked more than usual. I went to my GP and he sent me to physio but he didn’t seem to see much wrong and sent me away!

However in august/sep I noticed my right knee started aching intermittently. I went back to my GP (NHS) and had an x-ray scan on my foot and knees (blood test clear). They found that I had slight degeneration in my big toe region and also my knee. My GP wasn’t sure as to why and I was referred to a rheumatologist in November. The doctor there wanted me to have an ultrascan on my foot (booked in January) before making a decision. However I couldn’t make it as I was ill so had to re-book. The next appointment is in 23rd April!!

I started a contract job in January (after searching for over 6-7 months) and after 2-3 weeks of walking my knees started hurting far more. I went to see my GP and he referred me to an orthopedic consultant (due in a few weeks). Now it has progressed and I’ve noticed discomfort in my hips and pain in my sacrum more often too. Even sitting down is uncomfortable. Luckily my job has stopped but I may start a new one soon and don’t want this to ruin everything!

This is getting worrying and am wondering what everyone thinks of it? I can’t help but think my knees have degenerated more and there’s no going back! The annoying thing is prior to all of this I did not do any high impact or strenuous sports whatsoever. I’m 5”8 and have been of good weight (10st10-12), but do have slightly bad posture. I have a flat back and I’m sure somehow it has affected my alignment etc but everyone (especially the physio I saw) seems to be dismissing it. I’m only 25, limping quite abit and don't know what to do to prevent it from getting worse! Sorry for the long post and thanks for any advice!

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