Brief Medical History Overview
Broken clavicle

Hi, I'm after a bit of advice and hopefully a few of you will be able to help me...
I broke my left clavicle on the 10th of March (almost 2 weeks ago) playing football... Got wiped out by the goal keeper whilst at a full sprint and went flying, landing on my left shoulder...
I went to get X-rays the next morning which confirmed it was broken, I don't have my own X-ray to attach unfortunately...
Anyway they said the only thing they do for this sort of injury is put it in a sling and let it heal itself... After a troublesome 11 days or so of the bones moving constantly whilst I got in and out of bed and well did anything... and I did rest, mostly just watched tv and movies....
Now I finally think that there has been some sort of a union between the bones but I don't think in a good way... Now I know that with just letting it heal itself there is mostly always going to be some sort of bump etc but this is SOME bump on the top of the shoulder and a bit out at the front...
I play a lot of sports including rugby and football, I lift weights at the gym and also I am a postman so on a daily basis I have to carry shoulder bags up to 16kg on this shoulder...
I just know this is going to cause me issues, I've done a fair bit of research on the internet and I would really like to surgery to set it properly with pins and plates... I have a doctors appointment tomorrow mainly to get my sick note for work and my first visit to the fracture clinic on Tuesday...
How would I got about trying to request this surgery? Would I just express my concerns, am I able to say I would like the surgery? What sort of questions should I ask?!
Thanks in advance
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