Brief Medical History Overview
Broken Fibula Rehab

I desperately need some advise with my injury. I am close to giving up hope on being able to play football and running properly again 
In April 2006 I broke my right fibula (lower part near the ankle). A metal fixation was put in with 6 pins to hold it together as it was a bad break and I damaged the ligaments etc. Recovery was good and within 8 weeks I was walking about without aid
I started work again in August 2006 and within three months the pain and swelling returned. I underwent physio again which did not completely solve the problem but it was better. I was able to play football again with very little pain/swelling. This went on for a while
In September 2007 I started back at University in which there was little or no pain or swelling. I did not do much physical activity, just Cross Training really. At times my ankle would crack and hurt for a little while but would then go away. In January 2008 I consulted a physician. The physician refered me to physio for six months and said if this does not help the fixation will have to come out
In July 2008 I was booked in to see a consultant. The operation was set for February 2009. No physio was done between July 2008 and February 2009. I was able to run and play football painless (at the time) but after my ankle would swell up and be very painful.
In February 2009 the metal fixation was removed. I have not tried to play football since on surgeons advice (until I build up my fitness). I have tried the running though as follows:
1km on treadmill - OK, but heal hurt
2km on treadmill - Painful after 1.5km
3km on ground - OK, but I rested after 1.6km and hurt a lot when I started going again
I have done the 1km and 2km numerous times which the results dont seem to be getting any better.
Can anyone give me some advise? Any exercises? Advise? Programmes? As I say, I am close to giving up on impact exercise but I would hate to do that as I like it so much
I have read on some websites that I could be having problems with certain ligaments or some tissue at the end of my bones (cant remember its name). I would much appreciate any advice on this matter

One more thing to note. The pain, for some reason, tends to be on the inside of my ankle (the opposite side to the break), and swelling and bruising can appear all around this area and the side where the scar is (where the plate was removed from)
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