Brief Medical History Overview
EMS stimulation to strengthen pectoral muscle

For some time now I have noticed that my right pectoral muscle is significantly smaller than my left. I notice that when I'm doing a variety of activities my right pec simply doesn't engage at all or at least to the point where it's noticeable. I can flex it without difficulty but I don't feel the same response that I would get from the left pec. To give you an idea of the difference in response here is a typical situation: I'll dedicate an entire workout to my right pec and then do one set of bicep curls. After the workout my left pec feels like it has had ten times the stimulation just from what it does during bicep curls and my right pec feels as if I didn't workout at all. I have been to various doctors and physiotherapists but no one has been able to diagnose the problem although most have said it's likely a nerve problem. I am now waiting to see a specialist but I don't know how long that will take. In the mean time I have been trying to continue my right pec only workouts to get better symmetry but I'm worried that this will cause asymmetry in other muscle groups.
My question is can EMS stimulation be used to
A) retrain the muscle to some degree so that the right pec receives more stimulation and starts doing the work which I assume has been taken over by other muscle groups (I can lift the same with my right and left arms).
B) isolate the muscle during my workouts so that I can use lower weights to build up my pec while not causing other muscle imbalances. Ie: Do a dumbell press with my right arm while having the muscle stimulated at the same time.
Thank you for your help and I'm grateful that this site exists.
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