Don't expect to be able to put your full weight on it and walk normally if it's only 6/7 weeks now! And for the moment don't even try. When did the consultant tell you it was still broken?. Did they take an x-ray just recently? If the fracture is not showing enough signs of union at this stage it's not ready to be stood on fully. It may be ready to partially bear some weight and to relearn how to walk, still using crutches to reduce strain on it. There may well have been ligament damage and it wouldn't be unusual but it's not always essential to run off now for anMRI. What you have to have from the consultant is information as to whether the ankle is stable enough ie enough "union" seen on x-ray, plus enough assumed ligament stability on the basis of what /how they assessed the initial injury to start gentle weightbearing and suitable mobilising exercises. It's not just the bones we are concerned about but all the muscles and soft tissues of lower leg and foot involved in getting on with rehab. having not walked for weeks and it sounds as if you had alot of swelling, these things need time. Some people need moe time than others and it can still be "normal" And one needs competent Consultants. UK is not a desert island where you could doubtless survive without a leg if it had to be!!!
If the fracture is healing gentle passive mobilising done by the physio of the can /should help, as could lymph massage and elevation of the foot to reduce swelling. Some people develop strange circulation disturbances as a complication to even "easy" fractures and immobilising. Your physio is the person to check initially for really way off circulation disturbances. If you are not able to rest your leg in elevation enough during the day and do gentle "pumping" exs with the foot it'll likely stay swollen and have strange colouration. Try googling "Danis-Weber fracture classification" to get informed on the fracture info. Or ask your physio to show you some literature/pictures etc. If non-union of bone seems likely, ie the fracture is showing a too delayed healing progress in a realistic amount of time(can be seen only by xrys etc) then you'll have to consult the doctor again or consider a second opinion. Wish you luck.