Brief Medical History Overview
Imbalance of muscles either side of spine & CFS/ME. HELP!

Hello there,
I'm looking for some advice with a serious problem I've been working on for a while.
The left side of my back is strong and toned but the right side has no tone: it looks like a young child's back. I've been seeing a physio for 3-4 months now who has me doing simple exercises (right arm raises while the left hand pushes against the weak muscle, stepping forward then back also pushing against the weak side, lying on my front and raising my bum right up).
So I've been doing these exercises every day (getting up to 4x/day now) for three months and progress is very slow. At this rate it looks like taking over a year to reach even near parity with the left side.
This may be longer than I can wait!
(see Background below for why)
Having googled treatments for this kind of imbalance I came across many approaches: Post Isometric Relaxation Technique, Muscle Energy Therapy, Hanna Somatic, Global Postural Reeducation, Myofascial Release, Cranio Sacral Therapy....
Help! Are any of these likely to be useful for me in speeding the glacial pace of change!!!?? Any advice much appreciated, then I could see about approaching a therapist.
many thanks,
I'm 31 yr old male, have suffered from CFS/ME/CFIDS for 8 years and after many attempted treatments am working with the theory that spinal torsion is interfering with my sympathetic/parasympathetic balance thereby screwing up my lymphatic system (esp thoracic duct) and HPTA axis.
I'm following Dr Mark Shaw's protocol which involves finding a practitioner of some kind to fix any back or skull problems. This approach is separately championed by Dr Raymond Perrin (osteopath), Dr Mark Shaw (CFS MD) and Dr Paul Sherwood.
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