Brief Medical History Overview
who likes a challange-advice required
looking for a bit of advice-heres the story so far 40 year old
keen skier,mountainbiker,climber up until 3 years ago
fractured tibial plateau which required screw
previous long standing back problem which radiated into hip and buttock didnt restrict me in any activities
rehab went ok but started getting pain in quads and posterier thigh and had to rest for some months then got back to doing some serious miles in bike then same thing happened.
advised i had hamstring problem by a physio
given exercices to strengthen hamstring but found i couldnt walk next day after exercices stopped going to physio and thought i would seek medical advice
mri negative,nerve conduction study showed stretched l3 at nerve root
my main problem is in my posterier thigh as i walk hamstring tightens and then spasms with shooting pain down to about my knee.i cant sit for long and driving is a nightmare.i cant lie on my hip (mri of hip negative)
i take gabapentin but its not that helpfull ive had to give up all my outdoor activities
my question is is this sciatica and would physio be helpful the only advice i got from doc was dont exercise so much
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