Brief Medical History Overview
17 Days Post Op ACL Reconstruction .. Advice Please!

I had surgery April 28th 2009..
I had the hamstring graft picked for my ACL reconstruction since I had my ACL go and
meniscus tears. Im 22 Y/O and injured it playing basketball if its relevant. Had the immobilizer on for about 2 weeks.
About seventeen days more or less post-op. I have seen my OS he saw my incisions and said I can start taking the immobilizer off when I wish and that im healing nicely. He recommended I sleep with it if I wish if not gradually get off it. I will get me a DonJoy Brace since they seem to be highly valued if not something of the equivalent that way I can have a bit more confidence as I train or do exercise.(He recommend it to get me going)
My main questions is what are simple exercise’s that I can accomplish goals for full extension if not simple equipment. I checked this out but I cant put links . Its a Don Joy Knee Therapy Deluxe Kit $100 to help me , If not please give me any alternate sites for lower prices.
My PT is really backed up and im lucky to see him twice a month if not once, My first session is in two weeks (5.29.09) and would like to just get some basic things that can help me. My therapy is maybe once or twice as well its in another state. I will mostly be on my own after my first session. Are the wall slides and videos I see on YouTube and descriptions I read accurate enough for a progressive ACL rehab? My Therapy is in another state so its hard, a lot of my therapy will be alone after I have my first session so please any advice since I'm eager and safely want to get back to normal health if you will. Hopefully I'll have a specific protocol but till then any advice?
Would appreciate any tidbit you can give to help so I can have a speedy recovery since im a bit lost in the wind. Links, equipment recommendation or anything that can help me on a road to better recuperation. Thanks .
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