Brief Medical History Overview
possible rotator cuff injury

I injured my shoulder on Monday whilst in the Gym and just wanted some advice on how severe it may be and how long something like this should take to hear (how long I should stay out of the gym)
I change my workout on Monday and started by doign dumpbell bench bress rather than the barbell bench press.
I warmed up as usual and worked my way up to a decent weight. I then went up for a few KG on each arm becuase I pressed the weights quite easily. I started the set and on the 3rd rep I felt something deep in ma shoulder (Dominant side) - Is wasnt a sharp pain or anything, The weight wasnt even dificult so its not like I was doing a 1-2 rep max. I then went down for the next set by a few KG and didnt feel nothing so didnt thing nothing of it. and then for the rest of the workout - incline dumpbell press and then light bench press - I didnt feel anything.
later that evening when I was at home I started feeling my shoulder again and it wasnt painful - just uncomfortable and deep and I knew something was wrong. I made the mistake of not icing the injury straight after.
I can move my arm, so I dont thing its that major. I mean I can move it to the side above my head - its just sometime times after some movement - circular motion or pendular movement it feels a little uncomfortable.
It hasnt stopped me from sleeping - but I feel that my arm is now weeker - not that I have done any lifting since but it feels weaker.
After doing some research online - it seems like an inflamation of one of the
rotator cuff muscle (or whatever you call it).
I just wanted to know
- How bad do you think this is
- should I be applying any heat or cold
- I am thinking of having a massage - do you think that is a good idea or should I just leave it be
- what excercises/stretches can I do to one 1 - pinpoint the problem and 2 - strenthen/rehabilitate the shoulder
- when should I go back to the gym - coz even if the pain does go away I know it doesnt neccessarily mean it has healed.
thanks for you help
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