Brief Medical History Overview
Major problem with hamstring after acl reconstruction

Hi I am new to this board so hello for the first time, my acl reconstruction story is very up and down, the short of it is that it was going quite well until I went running one day. I am 11 months post surgery on a right knee acl reconstruction via hamstring autograft, semitendinosus autograft. I have been rehabing for 11 months conservatively, however 3 weeks ago I started to do plyometric training in addition to running. Anyway one day I had done my most intensive plyometric training session to date, then I ran straight after for my usual 15 minute jog, however 9 minutes into the jog I had to stop. I did not get a sharp pain while running just a really weird feeling like I needed to stop, then about 30 seconds after I stopped I got a really sharp pain right through the inside of my right leg running right through the right knee on the medial side. After this it was really painful to walk and whenever I extended the leg it hurt a lot, I had to cycle home with the saddle down due to the pain on extension.
This incident occured 3 weeks ago, within these three weeks I can now extend my right leg without too much pain but it is quite stiff. However, when I walk I randomly get shooting pains on the semitendinosus tendon point. Also I get this pain on the front of the right knee on the medial side almost like a nagging pain on the mensicus, it always there i can just feel a dull ache on the knee but i know i have nothing wrong with my
meniscus as I have been checked. This is why I have not dared to do any exercise, physiotherapy or running for three weeks on the injured leg, as hamstring injuries need a lot of rest.
I have had a bruise for 11 months on my right knee at the donor site of the distal semitendinosus hamstring tendon where they harvested my acl, the bruise has never gone awayfrom the surgery I have always thought this to be weird I wander if it means anything.
Also, I have noticed on my left knee on the back at the medial side I can feel two distinct tendons I think it is the semitendinosus and the semimebrinosus. However on my right knee which has been operated on, there is not two distinct tendons but just one and another one that stops short, and is sort of mushed, does anyone know what the operated donor hamstring site is meant to feel like so i can see if mine is right, is there meant to be a noticeable gap where they have harvested 11 months on from surgery.
My physio says that the hamstring feels lumpy in the semitendinosus area to touch, and he says he felt clicks within the hamstirng on extension and flexion.
If anybody has any help or information on what this is I would owe them the deepest gratitude as I am on the NHS and they have no idea what it is, I really am aty my wits end
thanks danny
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