I have realised in the last week that my neck is not perpendicular to my shoulders. It is slightly slanted to the right. There was one morning about a week ago that I woke up with a very sore neck, and was laying on my side with no pillow, and although I can't remember I suspect that I stretched the left side of my neck too much. On the other hand, maybe this was unrelated. I started a strength training program 5 weeks ago with deadlifts - maybe I pulled something in my left side?

Either way, I want a straight neck again, i.e. not slanting to my right side. I am in China for the next few months and don't have access to a physio, although I am going to the doctors tomorrow to see what they say.

Currently I look like the guy in the following picture, although not as slanted (yet):

I really hope someone here can give me some advice about exercises I can do, even if it means sitting infront of a mirror all day with correct posture. Having correct neck posture is more important than any work I currently should be getting on with, so I am prepared to put in many hours to get this fixed.

My own thinking is the following: I think I need to strengthen/tighten the left side and stretch/decompress the right side. (?) I am also thinking that if I generally strengthen and grow all of my neck muscles the hypertrophy will balance me out again.

Please help me, I'm quite depressed about this.

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