Brief Medical History Overview
fractured proximal humerus - Natural Healing

I fractured my proximal humerus bone skiing this spring. Surgery was not required. I am in my ninth week of recovery.
This has been my healing process:
1. Sling for four weeks.
2. PT started in the fifth week, ROM only. By middle late of sixth week regained almost full ROM.
3. Started weights two weeks ago and am progressing but not close to strength I had prior to accident.
4. Bone is healing without complication. Fully aligned with expected bone growth for this stage.
5. Have started driving, swimming over the last few weeks. Have not gone back to gym for group exercise. Taking summer off and will return to work in Fall.
My question is I wake up with a locked shoulder. It takes an hour plus of exercises to open it up. My PT said strength exercises will help this improve. Has anyone experienced this issue? If so how did you correct it?
Also when does the soreness in the shoulder s go away? I do my ROM three times a day and recently added the weights and swimming. Always stretch before I go to bed.
Any input is appreciated.
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