Hello everybody,

Iīm new in this forum. Iīm from germany and I study physiotherapy in netherlands. First I need help myself

I had a surgery of my shoulder after 3 dislocations. The labrum was torn in anterior/inferior position and there was a HAGL-lesion.

Now the surgery is 4 weeks ago. When the surgery is 6 weeks ago Iīm "allowed" to begin with easy exercises. In the beginning I know itīs better to make the exercises slowly and carefully. But what is the best method to make the shoulder stable? The first therapie I had after my first dislocation, there I did the exercises only slowly, 3 series with 20 repititions for example external rotation.

What do you think is the best method to get the shoulder stable over long time?

After the surgery I was and am not allowed to do external roation and retroversion for 6 weeks. While doing the threrapy the physio said I should make this up to 10°. Thatīs minimal but the doctor who is specialist said I shouldnīt do this. Anyway I did it 2 times. Firstly 2,5 weeks postsurgical and secondly 4 weeks postsurgical. I just put the arm 10 times to 10° retroversion. I had no pain but Iīm still afraid sinds 2 days to have a labrumtorn again. It feels not different than before I did it, but Iīm just afraid because the specialist did forbit it. Is anybody in this forum who understands the moving of the caput humeri very goed and call tell if an injury is possible?

thanks for reading and giving answer,


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