Brief Medical History Overview
Fractured Fibula - I need your advice!

Hi guys, I hope somebody will be able to offer some helpful suggestions!
I fractured my right fibula, about 5 inches below the knee during Judo practice. Any kind of leg fractures are very rarely seen in Judo, I've certainly never seen one myself, I can only conclude it was a case of bad timing, and bad luck!
It was an impact fracture, with all my weight on my right leg, my partners knee was driven into the side of my leg at a downward angle, with his entire bodyweight behind it. I heard a snap, and my leg pretty much collapsed from under me. Walking was agony, although I could put weight on the leg, so a doc in attendence told me it wasn't broken.
I couldn't sleep for a minute through the night due to what I can only describe as the worst pain I have ever experienced, so the next morning I got myself to an Orthapedic Clinic near me, had the x-rays, clean break, got a cast, crutches, and have been given pretty good care.
I have been having daily ultrasound therapy on the bone, through a window cut out of the cast, for 3 weeks now. As of today, the fracture occured a little over 5 weeks ago.
I have no pain whatsoever at the location of injury, and can hobble along on my cast, although it tends to be quicker on crutches! I have an appointment in 2 days, and I very much hope that the cast will be removed.
This is where my problem begins: I live in Japan, and although I have managed to get along fine with a blend of my caveman Japanese, the doc's caveman English, and the occasional friend acting as translator - I'm a little concerned about the rehab of my leg once the cast comes off.
It is already noticeably smaller, and certainly feels weak. I also really struggle to raise my foot directly upwards at the ankle, it feels like I no longer have the ability to do this!
I'm young(ish), very active, and have been frustrated beyond belief sitting around for 5 weeks.
If somebody can tell me what exercises, stretches or activites I can do to get my leg back to its fully functioning state - I will do whatever it takes!
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