Brief Medical History Overview
Dislocated Knee

Hi i'm 21 and recently dislocated my knee whilst dancing on a night out...don't ask! it popped out on the outside but went straight back in again, suddenly there was an urge of pain and swelling and an ambulance was called. it happened on the tuesday (23-6-09)and i got took to A&E and was given a bandage from my ankle up to my thigh, with my leg at a slight ankle, and given a follow up appointment at the fracture clinic for the friday (26-6-09) morning. i was told to use crutches which i already had at home, however they were too much hassle and with there being no pain, i just walked normally. i went to my appointment friday where they re x-rayed it and gave me a cricket splint which i was told to use for 3 weeks and then get a follow up appointment and Physio. again, i haven't really used to crutches as i have spent most the time inside so i have just walked, but if i have been out i have used them. i keep taking the splint off because it gets uncomfortable, and i am able to walk without it without any pain, and i can bend it to a right angle, i have even been continuing my driving lessons! i made an appointment for next wednesday (8-7-09), which is shorter than i was meant to but i couldn't do it any longer, so i am going to see what they say. this will be 2 weeks and 1 day after the accident
i just wanted to hear some stories of other people who have suffered from patella dislocation and how long it took them to heal fully, as i need to get back to work and can't afford to be on crutches for 6 weeks! 
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