This is my first post and a cry for help really.

I underwent an emergency discectomy(L4/5) decompression and removal of fragment in late March this year following a fall. Immediately following surgery i recovered my leg raise ability and a slight improvement in the extent of foot drop. The Wikipedia reference-linkMRI had also shown a prolapse at L5/S1.

I had an assessment from the hospital physio and released on crutches, and with a 'foot up' aid, 48 hours later. I have been seeing a physio regularly (not NHS) since 1 week post surgery.

Following reasonable progress things went backwards around early June. My physios thought it was due to the level of muscle spasm (massive and chronic since the op). However a contrast MRI, done as my consultant suspected scar tissue around the nerve, actually found that my disc had reherniated at the site of operation. Last week I had an L5 nerve root injection.

The improvement in foot drop made since the op has been maintained (although is still relatively poor i think), and my overall pain since the injection has reduced slghtly. However the pain in my buttock/hip/Wikipedia reference-linkSIJ is the same, as is the pain to my lower outside leg. I am totally unable to be on my heels or heelwalk.

Walking in general is difficult, not just because of the pain, but because of the conscious effort i have to make to walk, it does not feel a natural movement for my right leg, and the muscle 'tireness' burn after even a short walk of 10-15 mins.

I am really concerned at the significant loss of muscle to the outerside of my shin bone, and the loss of muscle in my outer front thigh - sorry for the lack of technical descriptors - please ask if I'm not making it clear.

I have been off work since the accident and am in limbo as to whether i should be consdering returning at this stage. I work full time, office based.

Prior to the accident I was a very active person spending about 6-8 hours at the gym/fitness classes each week, walking my dog miles each day, running, cycling etc. None of that is possible currently obviously but i am getting very down about the possiblility they may never be again. I know i am 43 but i don't want to give up just yet!!

Any thoughts, advice, things i can speak to my physio about etc would be appreciated........


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