I've had hip problems of some sort for nearly four years now. My right hip has been scoped twice for labral tears and femoroacetabular impingement (cam type), the most recent being just shy of two years ago. My left hip was scoped once, a year ago, for the same and has had an excellent outcome. The right hip, while good for about a year following the second surgery, is now a very different story.
As of my most recentMRI/arthrogram in December, I had no further labral tears or arthritis. It also does not appear as if have any additional impingement--either regrowth or residual.
My hip feels tight and I have lots of tenderness/soreness in my hip flexers, particularly my psoas and sartorius. I experience snapping with most movements as well as some catching/pinching sensations (though the pinching is not as extreme as it was with the labral tears in the past). The joint itself also seems to be swollen and inflamed.
At this point, I am at my wits end. I was in physical therapy for 4 months with very little improvement. I had a cortisone injection into both the joint space and the psoas back in December and, though it did help somewhat, the effects were very short lived.
I am 20 years old and a ballet dancer--this is killing me. My surgeon (one of the best for my problems) has adopted a wait and see approach on the foundation that things aren't likely to get much worse than they are. The PTs that I've worked with are all puzzled. Any ideas?
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