Hi, first time I've posted and never had problem like this before so hope i'm giving enough detail.

A couple of weeks ago my left shoulder started to click, feels like it's on the back side near to the top corner of the shoulder blade, sometimes its a quite prominent audible 'clunk' when I raise my arm or move it around, most of the time it's a less prominent click/pop seemingly from 'within'. I do not have any pain at this time.

About 2 weeks later it 'seems' to happen more easily, I don't know if it's me tuning into it more and being more aware of it, but I think it's happening more often in different positions now.

I can be sat at my desk at the office and if I move my arm (say to reach for the phone) i'll get it (almost like tendons 'pinging' off something) from what seems like the bit where the bursa is I believe. If I hold the corner of my left shoulder with my right hand, fingertips just on the indent behind what I think is the clavicle I can feel movement there when it clicks when lifting my arm.

Non of this is painful, just very easy to notice, not sure if everything is tight or something.

I don't do sports or anything, haven't had any injuries or any trauma in that area. I'm planning on starting the gym and don't want to do anything yet until I know what I'm dealing with.

The only thing that has changed in recent weeks is my office chair, as I was aware my posture was deteriorating because my previous chair was one of those director-style ones that never 'locked' into place, so it kept tilting back and I was leaning forward at the desk to counter it. I since switched to a straight upright one and try to maintain a proper posture - I'm wondering if that has had an effect in some way? But can't understand how that would effect my shoulder area.

I do have a slight ache in the middle of my spine which is probably because I'm trying to maintain an upright seating position; not sure if that's a contributing factor.

As mentioned I would like to start doing weights (i don't at the moment in any way) but want to get this sorted before I do anything, but wary of going to the doctor for a physio referral due to the threat of swine flu in the waiting rooms.

I have a resistance band/thera tube style device for doing light stretches, was thinking of using it to train the shoulder muscles thining they may not be pulling my shoulder in enough.

Would appreciate any help or advice, thank you for taking the time to read this I know it's a bit long.


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