Brief Medical History Overview
Shoulder tightness training Iron Cross
Hey everyone,
After six months of training the cross it's finally happened; I've become injured.
After a minor muscle pull (traps), I spent a few weeks resting. As the pull recovered, i started to notice some discomfort/tightness commonly encountered when I shrug my shoulder and drop it again. The discomfort is definitely not painful but seems like a message from my body that my current training programme is inadequate.
The tightness is at it's worst if I link my fingers behind my back, straighten my arms and lift them upwards. I feel it towards the front of my deltoids. What's worse, it affects both shoulders!!
While training the cross, i have not been training the antagonist groups.. stupid I know
Have I created an imbalance? I already had far greater strength in the vertical pulling plane than the vertical pushing plane. (1 rep max for weighted pull up is bodyweight (80Kgs) + 60Kg as opposed to the fact that I can't do a handstand push up and struggle enough with the headstand push ups). The Cross pull-outs further train the vertical pulling plane I believe?
Do I need to do some work balancing out the vertical pushing plane? I don't do weights but for rehabilitation and balance i would be willing. Are Military presses, Arnold presses and side dumbell raises the answer?
London, uk
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