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    Question Shoulder Drop due to Collarbone Break

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    The title may be a bit confusing, let me explain:

    I broke my right collarbone when I was 6 years old. To make a long story short, it didn't heal in the proper location. My shoulder is significantly dropped (even now over 20 years later) due to this. It's so bad that people stop me on the street to ask me what happened to my shoulder or if I should be wearing a brace for the Wikipedia reference-linkscoliosis(sp?). I don't have scoliosis, I've been checked for that.

    I can hold my shoulder in the position it is supposed to be in; however, it quickly becomes uncomfortable, and I usually end up stopping after a minute or two. When I sit in a chair, I can hold it up for about 10 minutes with moderate discomfort.

    I was wondering if there is anything I can do (such as exercise, etc - I'll do most anything short of having surgery) to make it hold up on its own eventually.

    Thanks in advance. All help and suggestions are appreciated.

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  2. #2

    Lightbulb Re: Shoulder Drop due to Collarbone Break

    Well,let us hope a fast full recovery for you!

    At first you need to be assessed by a proper orthopedic physician or...

    Generally, we should determine if yours problem muscular or bony !then if its muscular as it seems since you can hold it in normal position for a while...strenghtening,mobilizing and stretching exercises could workout.

    if the problem in ligaments [soft tissue] may need a surgery,since cells in ligaments make granulation tissue[fibrosis]

    if the problem in bone that affects cosmetic and functional outcome may need to consult orthophysician,,,,,

    Hope this helps!

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    Re: Shoulder Drop due to Collarbone Break


    I saw an orthopedic specialist about 14 years ago, but he just figured it was Wikipedia reference-linkscoliosis and sent me to get x-rays. I went to see my doctor for a follow up appointment, but he said there was nothing my spine is normal so there was no need for a referral to see him again. I had seen orthopedic specialists several times before that, but I don't recall them because it was quite some time ago now.

    I don't think it would ligament, because I have a fairly good range of motion. But then again, what do I know.

    It's very tough here to get an appointment with a specialist. It would be about 5-7 years just to see one for an initial visit, because it would be considered non-urgent. I mean, just to see a GP to get the referral would be 6-8 months at least!

    I live on a isolated island so it makes it worse. There's no doctors or anything.

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    Re: Shoulder Drop due to Collarbone Break

    You need first of all to find out what structure is the unstable one causing the separation. If the collar bone never healed and is in two or more pieces then surgery is the only option. If it is the AC joint then surgery is the only option. If it is a neurological issue and a subluxation due to the glenohumeral joint then that can be assessed and possibly addressed with muscle retraining. First step is find the actual problematic structure as you need that to find the next step/ answer to your question. Don't waste time looking elsewhere right now.

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    Re: Shoulder Drop due to Collarbone Break

    Thank you for your replies.

    I just called to make an appointment with my family doctor and was given May 18, 2010 as the next available appointment. I told the receptionist that it was very important (I know, not exactly true, but I don't want to wait that long when I know I have to wait several years to see a specialist). So, I managed to wiggle into a cancelled appointment for August 7th. YAY!

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    Re: Shoulder Drop due to Collarbone Break

    Quote Originally Posted by unheardletters View Post
    Thank you for your replies.

    I just called to make an appointment with my family doctor and was given May 18, 2010 as the next available appointment. I told the receptionist that it was very important (I know, not exactly true, but I don't want to wait that long when I know I have to wait several years to see a specialist). So, I managed to wiggle into a cancelled appointment for August 7th. YAY!
    May 18, 2010!!! This is your family Doctor!!!

    Difficult to tell without X-rays or a visual idea of what is going on. Sounds to me that your clavicle was not in alignment when fixed, and as a result,(since the clavicle is the only bony attachment {via AC joint) to scapula it would significantly affect how the scapula and trapezius and shoulder muscles are held.

    Some people have significant variations in right v left shoulder height and they havene't broken a thing.

    It is a normal finding to see that a scapula and shoulder of a dominant hand is slightly lower than the other side.


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    Re: Shoulder Drop due to Collarbone Break

    Yes, clavical...that's what it's called! It was (as my mom told me) a clean break that didn't impact nor break through the skin. The doctor in emergency said they couldn't do anything about it and said it will heal all on its own. Apparently, he didn't even make any attempt to align it or anything. Mom said that they were separated by 1/4 inch (give or take) on the x-ray.

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    Re: Shoulder Drop due to Collarbone Break

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hello, I have hope's that I can gather some information in regard's to a grade 2+ shoulder separation. 2 months ago I fell on my L shoulder snowboarding, bummer too, it was right at the end of the snowboard season. After I took my slam I esessed the damage. My clavicle was sticking up and I had pain in my shoulder. Went home and got a xray from 2 different ortho doctor's, telling me rest and ice and my shoulder should be back to normal within 2-12 weeks. I'm also involed in many other sports including weightlifting. This plays a big part on my mental health. I am now 2 months into this injury and the only thing that has got better is the ache. My shoulder is weak and instable and I can't do a push up. Does it sound like I should be further along at this point with my recovery? Will I ever be able to workout, Benchpress,Free weight's? Is surgery have the best outcome for this injury? AnyAdvice or opinon's will help, this injury has effected my work, my income, and my lifestyle. Thank u

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