Brief Medical History Overview
Coccyx deviated to the left

Hi! I'm a 57 yeard old female of normal weight who fell forward and to the right about 16 months ago. A week later, a small bruise appeared on my left buttock, an inch to the left of my buttock crease and an inch upward from my rectal area. The bruise disappeared but I was left with pain that got progressively worse, at first on sitting and now on standing as well. Pain is relieved by lying down. I have seen many health care professionals, had medical caused ruled out, and have received several diagnoses such as pelvic floor dysfunction, SI joint dysfunction, dural tension and pudendal neuralgia. I believe they may all now play a part in this cycle of pain. However, my PT says that my coccyx is deviated to the left and also anteriorly. This was also confirmed by a PT in another state. My PT also says that the two distal segments are totally hypermobile. When I put my finger on the spot where I always feel the most pain, my PT can put her finger on the same spot rectally and reproduce the pain. She can also gently press down the tip of the hypermobile coccyx and it hits the same spot and also reproduces my pain. I have read on other sites that there are those with this type of pain that have been helped by specific exercises for a deviated coccyx. My question is - is anybody familiar with these, either directly addressing the coccyx or the many pelvic muscle attachments? I assume that the coccyx goes where the muscles tell it to go. I am now doing some passive Jerry Hesch "exercises" to work on my overall alignment (which appears to be somewhat out of whack - my PT could be more specific!), along with internal pelvic trigger point therapy. I'm also doing a couple of passive exercises for dural tension. I have had two rounds of prolotherapy on the posterior pelvic ligaments and am now returning for more, specifically in the coccyx area. Pain often appears in surrounding areas, the piriformis, the sacrotuberous ligament and the perineal area but the original pain where the bruise appeared has never left - so I believe it to be the origin of the pain somehow. If anyone has any comments or suggestions regarding any of this, please post or email me. Thanks. Kathy
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