Brief Medical History Overview
I fell on my knee HARD while running

Over a week ago, on friday.. my friend had a limo bus for her 21st birthday. We went downtown to celebrate. On our way back to the limo, it started to downpour so we all took off running full speed. Mid sprint, I start to lose my balance and fall on my right knee and do a semi-somersault.
It swelled up pretty bad over the next few days. Ice didn't do much. I'm really not trying to "baby" it whatsoever. When I stand up on both legs, my patellar tendon wont tighten like my non-injured leg.. both above and below the knee.
It also feels like my kneecap itself is protruding higher than my other leg. I'm worried I may have torn something. I had x-rays, they came back negative. I seen my doctor and she said she thinks I just really bruised it.
Any suggestions? Should I get an
MRI to be sure, or just wait it out?
I still gimp around, bending my leg is uncomfortable. With the tendon not tightening, I'm able to physically make it tighten but it wont do it by itself while walking or anything.
Please help.
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