Brief Medical History Overview
Long term wrist pain need advice

Hi there I am new to posting on forums so please bear with me.
In january this year I fell on down after walking my dog ,I landed on outstretched wrist one was swollen couldn't move it. The over was just aching .
After going to A+E I ended up in splint nothing was done about the right wrist that just ached was tol it was just sprained .
now 8 months later I still cannot put weight on right wris at all, I saw my doctor 2 months ago and got the complete runaround by him he sent me for one set of x rays they came back indecisive so I had to return the following week to get second set of scapohoid views these came back clear . Next he tried naproxen for two weeks to see if it was tendonitis I was confused at this as I was not doing anything repetitively like computer work or office based work so I tried this nohing happened I went back and he advices I put a tubi bandage on it and that was it from my doctor .
So I decided to go it alone and take it further I went to see private consultant and paid for a
MRI to be done results are in and the consultant who revues my MRI said he saw a lot of fluid in the wris it could be a ganglion cyst . After being revieved by my consultant he said there is nothing he can do except a injection in my wrist guided by a x ray and physiotherapy an ultrasound . I may sound moany but I know I can't put my hand down to lean on anything without pain in my wrist . Not sure want else to do I will give anyhing a go as I. Fed up of this pain the anyoying thing I was told was if the A+ E department put my right one I a splint I probably wouldn't be having this problem now . Sorry for the long post I just need some advice thanks in advance for helping .
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