Brief Medical History Overview
Ruptured Achilles Tendon- What next?

I had a complete rupture of my left achilles 5 weeks ago.
4 days after the rupture I had surgury to repair. Was in cast for 2 weeks & had my foot reangled slightly & then another cast for a further 2 weeks.
I have lost faith in my consultant. On the 1st visit after the op he wanted my foot placed straight back into the neutral position. The guy putting my foot in the plaster said that it would not go that far & was advised to get it as far as he could. When the consultant left the room he said that if it was put back in neutral I more than likely would have been back in having the op re done.
Anyway, I have been reading up on treatment & everyone had been given a boot after the cast to help rehabilitate it, even if they have had the op.
I however have not been.
I have been given exercises to do by the physio (who was lovely but only a student)
My foot is no where near the angle it needs to be to stand on & I am to stretch the tendon out during the day by standing on my foot which is painful (not full weight, just enough to stretch) & i have other exercises to help reduce the swelling & to give more movement
Does this sound right to you? am worried that I now have no support around the ankle & nothing *holding* it the best postition.
I am scared that I am going to *accidently* put all my weight on my foot & do more harm than good..... Am i worrying unecessarily?
After what the consultant & tech guy said I dont know if I have any reason to be worried.
Has anyone else not had the *boot* after?
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