Brief Medical History Overview
Hamstring ROM - no day to day gains

My age: 29
Everymorning I stretch my hamstrings and hipflexors. My ROM before I start is something like 1" off touching my toes with straight legs. When I finish I can get my knuckles flat on the floor, but I've never achieved better than this.
The problem is that when I wake up the next day I'm back to where I was before with what seems like no change at all!
I find that my left leg is A LOT worse than my right. It feels like a have a golf ball stuck 1" below the skin behind the superficial hamstring (the bit that is closest to the skin) and about 4 fingers down from where my butt cheek starts.
All this is frustrating because it costs me at least 1/2 in a day and if I don't do it I start to encourage back problems.
What more can I do to make progress? Is there more I can than stretching?
Here's how I stretch every morning:
I stretch my hipflexors down on one knee, only 1x40secs each side.
I then stretch my hamstrings. This is where I'm getting frustrated. Here's what I currently do:
- I might start this in the shower by heating the area and stretching by putting one leg up, stretching upwards and also activating it further by pulling down I do this for only 20secs on each side.
- I then go outside to stretch in the fresh air. Bizzarely I find fresh air and breathing help.
- I start with kicks into the air making sure I can feel the stretch in my hamstrings. I breath out on the stretch. I do 2x10 on each side
- I then stretch my hamstrings by putting one leg onto a box approx 1m high. I activate it by pushing down with my leg and stretch it was well. I bring my toes towards myself to stretch it more. I do this for at least 2 mins. I then switch to the other side. I then both sides again and again so I have done 2-3x2mins of stretching on each leg.
- at this stage I usually find that this hard stretching still isn't enough so I do the same thing but isolating towards the glutes I do 1x2mins on each leg
- I then try to touch my toes with straight legs and find I still can get my hands flat on the floor, but sometimes I can get my knuckles on the floor
- I then stretch standing up by pushing my bum out until I can get my knuckles on the floor
- I then start my day
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