Brief Medical History Overview
Dislocated knee

Hi there, im after some advised about my knee as i am beggining to become frustrated and find that im not getting any answers from my doctors and to be honest my trust in them has pretty much gone.
So 10 weeks ago whilst playing football i dislocation my left knee. I had no previous dislocation or any knee problems. I was barged into during a tackle in the air and when i landed on my backside my knee was dislocated through the impact. The paramedics arrived and with gas and air they popped it back into place however 45 minutes had passed from injury to replacement. I was taken to A&E and x-rayed. I was told that nothing seemed to be damaged and was discharged with just crutches and no strapping or support. I asked how long until it was back to normal and i was told i should be able to return to work in 2 weeks. I work as a firefighter and i made this clear so i was surprised yet slightly relieved that it wouldnt be a long injury.
5 days passed however and the pain around my knee was increasing and flexibility not improving so on advice from my GP i returned to A&E. I was x-rayed again and immedietely told to keep all weight off leg as my paetella was still out of place! I was then put in a full lenght cylinder cast for 6 weeks! My cast was removed and the consultant told me to go to physio therapy. My knee wasnt examined at all following the cast removal and i felt very vunerable as i had pretty much no flex in my knee it was locked rigid and very painful.
It has now been 4 weeks since my cast removal and i have had three physio sessions and a hydro therapy session and yet still i have no improvement in flexibility. I have been doing the exercises everyday and very quickly got down to moving around with just one crutch. However any walking i try to do i pay for on the night as my knee really aches from the smallest of movement around. The lack of flex in my knee really concers me as it just feels locked and very painful.
Im a very active person and very keen on getting back to the job i love as soon as possible but its been 10 weeks now and still i cant walk unadided. It seems a long road ahead. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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