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    Unhappy misaligned pelvis

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    I have been diagnosed with a misaligned pelvis on right side and a shear on left side. I am now undergoing physio. (should it leave me bruised and battered?)

    My doc has been treating me for all the results of this without knowing the underlining prob of the pelvis.

    How am I supposed to work feeling so uncomfortable??? Do take pain killers.

    How long will this quite severe misalignment take to be put right. How much longer will I have to put up with trachantor bursitis, coccyx pain and plantar facsitis?

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    caz is offline
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    Re: misaligned pelvis

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Sorry to hear about the pain you are in - I can sympathise because I have the same problem! I don't want to dissapoint you, but you might have to accept the problem can't be fixed. I've seen 4 different physios and none have been able to correct the misalignment so it looks like I'm stuck with it.

    Having said that, my current physio is fantastic and has done a lot to lessen my pain, even though my pelvis is still out of alignment. Her approach is completely different from the others I've seen - interestingly she hasn't spent much time on the pelvis, but has treated my thoracic spine, head, neck, shoulders...and this has definitely reduced the pain around my lower back and SI joints. When I saw the other physios, they just tried to correct the pelvis alignment, which only caused me more pain - and didn't work anyway, since it always went back to its crooked position within a day or so.

    So I would suggest if what your physio is doing doesn't seem to be helping, it might be better to try another physio with a different approach.

    I hope you can get some relief - I know how horrible it is to be in pain all the time xx

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