Brief Medical History Overview
Fractured Ankle Physio

I hope someone can help? I broke my Tibia and Fibula (and another I dont know which) on 23rd Aug falling down a step and dislocating my ankle. I was in hospital for 6 days before they would perform ORIF surgery due to the severe swelling in my ankle. I was given a plate and 10 pins on my fibula and 1 screw to hold my tibia and put in a knee length cast. I returned to hospital for x-rays and a new cast after 2 weeks and was told that the screw has slipped on my tibia....4 weeks later my cast is removed (6 weeks NWB) and I am told the screw slipping moved the bone out of alignment slightly but the bone was regrowing into the gap that had appeared. They have now put me into a walking boot which I am to wear for 6 weeks and for any weight bearing as a precaution.
I started physio on Thursday and have very little movement in my ankle and was given various exercises to help strengthen my ankle which was very painful. I am wondering if everything should be this painful???? When I am stretching my toes moving my ankle forwards and backwards the pain is horrendous and bordering on intolerable. This feels the same with most the exercises and I am feeling pain when my foot is rested. Also after doing the physio below my toes swells up more than usual...
I was under the impression the exercises were meant to bring the swelling down.
I am worried that the pain i am feeling is a warning there may be something wrong or am I pushing it too much I was told little and often is the key but this is what I am doing!
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
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