Brief Medical History Overview
Quad Pain Diagnosis
Looking for diagnosis possibilities:
52 year old athletic male incurred quad tendon injuries in Feb. 2009 due to one hour of high intensity bicycling on a trainer (felt pull in right leg about 10 cm above the kneecap at the end of the hour, then pain in the left quad tendon 10 cm above the kneecap a week later after favoring during daily activity). No inflammation or bruising on initial injury.
Stinging type pain above the knee was on and off initially, but now (Oct. 2009) is constant and escalates with minimal activity such as walking 50 meters. Thought it was tendonitis, but unable to remedy through 5 months of physio therapy and NSAIDs.
Have quadriceps and glute weakness / atrophy due to lack of activity to avoid pain. Have paresthesia in lower legs starting Sept. 2009. Pain now includes a dull ache in tendons 10 cm above the kneecaps along with the stinging pain with activity.
Tests with negative results include leg and hip x-rays, 2 thigh
MRI's, lower back MRI, 2 EMG's, nerve conduction test and bloodwork. MRI's show no indication of tendinosis. Neurologists indicate no neuro-muscular disease.
Any thoughts or course of action are appreciated!
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