Brief Medical History Overview
Back pain...recommended mattress?

Unsure if this is a right forum to post but my wife has been diagonosed with Hyper Mobility and my understanding is that this makes her suspectable to injuries.
About 11-12 years ago she suffered whiplash and has experienced problems on and off ever since. In the past few years her back and neck pains have escalated so much that she's been off work due to her being unable to move her head.
In one instance whilst at work, her employee's had to call an ambulance because she was in hysterics and unable to move. A dosage of gas and air as well as some rest at home put that right.
But Im wondering if the thing enchancing this problem and bringing it to the fore in recent years is the quality of our mattress? We had it about 4-5 years ago and it's been noticable recently how much you sink into it when you lie down (or even sit down). Granted, this makes it super comfortable so much that you can't get up in the mornings hehe, but I'v even been feeling neck and back twinges ever so often - although nowhere near to the extent as my wife.
I believe our mattress could be a lot firmer, but are there recommended mattress out there that can decrease the chances of neck pain/stop it from getting worse or maybe some good recommendations based on peoples own experiences perhaps?
Any replies would be appreciated. 
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