Brief Medical History Overview
Sternoclavicular issue/arm pain

Hey everyone,
Earlier this year I began having severe shoulder/arm pain. I am a weight lifter and do amateur strongman competitions. I have never had any problems with my shoulders or arms before. After noticing this pain (not really located, just throughout my left arm, but not down into my hand) I stopped pressing for about 2 months. I then began with pushups, then DB floor press, etc and have now worked up to regular floor press (after about 6 months). After an ultrasound in March, the physio thought I might have a small tear in my labrum. This was never confirmed with an
MRI as I moved out of the country. A labral tear doesn't make much sense, as I had no acute incident to cause it.
Over the past few months, I've noticed a sternoclavicular problem as well. If I do arm circles, I can hear and feel the joint popping and moving around quite a bit. It does not cause severe pain while doing this, but at times (namely doing chest-supported row) if I fully extend my arms out in front and then try to pull a heavy row, the joint will crack and it will hurt like hell for a few seconds, but then the pain is gone.
I am beginning to think that the arm pain may be related to the sternoclavicular injury- although for this, I also have no acute cause. I am very frustrated at this point because after doing floor press recently, I began to feel the arm pain again. This is a very dull pain throughout the arm, and when the pain leaves, my arm simply feels tired and dead. The pain is most common when lifting my arm up and back.
This is clearly a very complicated case and it could be 2 seperate issues. I felt like posting it here to see if anyone has any ideas as to what may be going on.
I think my first step is to arrange an MRI to get my Sternoclavicular joint and shoulder looked at. This will hopefully be able to get me some answers.
Thanks in advance to anyone who might have some insight.
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