Hi guys! I'm new to the forum and was wondering if you could help me.
Well, my story starts back in June. While playing in goal during football, I had a bit of an accident. As I came running out to an opposing player with the ball, I stopped and brought my knees together so he could not shoot the ball between my legs. As I did this, I must have put all my weight on one leg and my knee bent inwards. I felt something pop out but immediately go back in again. I was in a lot of pain but I was able to limp off on it.
The next day I went to my local treatment centre. I had a sharp pain on the inside of my knee and could not bare much weight on it, however there was no swelling. I was told by a Nurse that it was probably just a sprain and that I just need to rest it and give it time to heal. I wasn't too convinced that it was "just a sprain", but I decided to follow her advice as I wasn't a medical professional.
After a couple of weeks, I was back to walking normally again. However the aching on the inside of my knee did not completely go away for a couple of months.
In about late August, my knee was feeling OK and I decided to try and strengthen up my knee. I went for some light runs every couple of days without any bother.
I play field hockey for a local club and I was ready to start playing again when the season started mid-September. I was able to play several games without my knee giving me any bother. "Excellent!", I thought. I wasn't expecting it to be giving me any trouble anytime soon.
However, on Tuesday at hockey training, my knee went again. This time I was practising hitting the ball on the turn. I got the turn all wrong, but too much weight on my knee and twisted it and fell to the floor. I experienced the same "dislocation" feeling as I did the first time. But this time, I was not able to weight bear on the leg at all, and slight swelling appeared on the inside of the of the knee within 5 minutes.
The following Thursday, I went to A&E. I was still not able to weight-bear and there was significant swelling on both sides of the knee (more so on the medial-side). I was told that it seemed to be a soft-tissue injury and that I will be referred to a Physio. I was given a leg brace and some crutches to get me by.
Today, my symptoms are as followed:
- Significant swelling on both sides of the knee (however has gone down slightly since Thursday).
- Inability to fully straighten leg.
- Cannot bend knee more than 90°
- Slight pain on inside of the knee when grinding and contracting quad.
- Sharp pain under knee-cap when leg locks straight when standing up.
- Knee cap is very wobbly
- Knee feels very unstable and feels as though it's about to give way when weight bearing.
- Knee cap grinds against top of the tibia.
I originally thought I had torn my MCL, but after doing some research it seems that I could have torn mymeniscus cartilage. Just wondering what you guys think it is. Do you also have any suggestions that could show signs of it being one of the other?
Thanks a lot for your help!
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