Hi All
First time posting here, any help really appreciated please.
I am having an op on 12 Jan 2010 for full thickness (moderate size) supraspinatus tear ( acute - fell over running 5 months ago) , arthriscopic + SAD.
I am a 54 year old female triathlete and runner , and since having a corisone injection by my consultant 2 mths ago have been 98% pain free and 100% ROM. However 2 consultants say that this reprieve is only temporary and the op. is a must.
I am extremely fit and well physically but absolutely terrified regarding the outcome of this op. Sport is a major part of my life.
2 questions really:
1. Following the op. what do people think about conservative first 6 weeks i.e. passive in a sling with NO PHYSIO ( this is what my consultant favours ) !! or alternatively more proactive physio starting at 2 weeks - which is what I favour and so do some specialists !!
2. As a "gym"/sport obsessive, what lower body/core exercise can anyone recommend immediately post op. Recumberant bike has been suggested, anything else lower body where I can maintain my aerobic capacity. Anything strength lower body/core.
Many thanks, I'm pretty unhappy and desperate at the moment and i have'nt even had the op yet.
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