Brief Medical History Overview
Scoliosis, Help for workout program

about a year ago i was weightlifting, and i was doing front shoulder muscle and slightly pulled with my back and i got this sharp pain in my back just around the lats on my right side, i stopped gym for a while to heal, then went back. after a year recently i was also working out shoulder and go the pain again. i stopped gym and couldnt. the pain just stayed i took pills (proxen) and went to the hospital, they said its due to weights, after i went again i was diagnosed with
scoliosis, a slight bend in the vertibral column to the right. its really moderate. The doctor said i might not have known about it but due to applied pressure by weights i got the pain. she told me to swim but no heavy weights. Now i really dont know what to do. i do wanna go back to gym. lets say low weights and no more standing exercises, or do i just stick to swimming and stop gym forever? gym used to be my life, but im afraid if i go back it will get worse. currently i get slight pain once in a while but nothing serious. Any advices? guidance? i would really appreciate it.
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