Anyone? All I need is you to send over an email. I don't mind paying the price of an apointment.
Hi, I am having lower back and leg pain. I have been put on the waiting list to get anmri scan but I don't want to wait that long in pain so I will be going privately. Problem is I need a refferal from a registered physio, chiropractor or osteopath. Is their anyone who would be kind enough to help me out?
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Anyone? All I need is you to send over an email. I don't mind paying the price of an apointment.
Are you based in London? You can go to VISTA Diagnostics which is near Waterloo station for an inexpensiveMRI. You do however need a physical referral, which can be from a Physio. An email is not enough and they will send the results (CD and report) to that person who referred you.
Any local GP will do or a physio friend if you know any locally. Best of luck.
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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