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Thread: HELP!!!

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    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    HI! I'm new on here, and wondering if someone can help me/advise me about a problem i've been having for a long time!!!
    I have been having a hip problem since sept 2006 and saw a physio, who thought i had injured my Wikipedia reference-linksacroiliac joint. She gave me a course of ultrasound which helped and she gave me some exercises and stretches.
    I was referred to a sport clinic, as my hip didn't get any better, but I had then tore my acl in march 2007, and i was told to see how get on after i had acl reconstruction, as knee problems can sometimes cause hip problems.
    I had acl reconstruction (hamstring graft) in december 2007 and i am still having problems with my hip/lower back and hamstring. (on the side of operated leg!) After running for 10-15minutes, my hip aches and its starts to feel like its pulling on my knee (medial side). My hamstrings feel tight. I also have problems with sitting down for too long...my right gluteal/lower back aches after i've been sat down for a long while. When i wake up first thing in the morning i also suffer from lower back ache. I have discovered from doing pilates, that my left gluteus medius doesn't trigger, therefore my right one over works, which i assume is causing the ache in my right hip/lower back. So for the last 3 months i have been doing strenthening exercises for the gluteus medius to get my left gluteus medius to work. But so far i can't see any improvements.
    I'm wondering whether there is some underlying problem thats causing the muscular imbalance, or whether the hamstring graft could be causing this?
    Its caused me to give up netball and running as i can't cope with the frustration anymore!! I can't afford physio, and my dr won't refer me to physio and keep giving me back exercises that aren't working!!

    Someone help, i am too young to give up sports.
    Any advice, ideas what you think problem may be or good exercises/stretches i can try to try and overcome this would be greatly appreciated!!


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    Re: HELP!!!

    Get an Wikipedia reference-linkMri done for your back, it could be disc prolapse impinging your nerves,
    do a SLR at 30-60-90
    see if your pain increases
    is it present in your hip or back ?

    try using a cold pack for your low back muscles for 10 mins keep it in contact with the skin for 20 seconds only and then remove it. place it back after 5 secs it could reduce your pain

    for your knee pain you have to give it rest, let me know how you feel after this
    Incase you have swelling or oedema then i suggest you use a Knee Support It Will give you relief
    Also use A Cold pack or cold water Foamentation it ll be effective

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    Re: HELP!!!

    if your gp wont refer you for an Wikipedia reference-linkmri or refer you to physio then go to someone different. its your health.

    if you have been trying to strengthen your glutes with little success it may be that there are other issues indeed. for example there could be limited range at the hip, poor hip position, tight or overactive muscles like tensor fascia lata. it could also come from poor biomechanics further down the kinetic chain ie your feet. etc etc. its common enough to have hip problems after having a surgery like an acl as a lot of people tend to modify their gait to accomodate the pain in the post surgery period and this can lead to muscle imbalance. you say you had the symptoms before you tore your acl? in this case it may just have flared them up again.

    i really would recommend seeing a decent physio who has experience in the lumbar spine/Wikipedia reference-linksij/hip. experience with acl rehab would help too.

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    Re: HELP!!!

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    ya i agree dont suffer!!!
    Goto a diff doctor

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