Brief Medical History Overview
Suffering from Hip Pain - Possibly a Result of Hypermobility?

I began experiencing hip pain (in my right hip) in May of last year. Prior to that, I was an extremely active person, generally working out (running, cycling, yoga, aerobic-type classes, etc) 5-6 days a week for between 1-2 hours each day. The pain progressed quite quickly and I was no longer able to work out at all, other than doing a bit of strength training for my upper body. I began taking anti-inflammatories to try to relieve the pain, which helped very little. The only thing that seems to help is to be absolutely inactive, but even then, the pain is still there although it's not so severe. Considering I've always enjoyed working out, I didn't want to continue having to be inactive.
So, my GP finally referred me to an Orthopedist. After examining me, they determined that I am hypermobile and believe that is what is causing the problem. I was then referred to a physiotherapist. This was four months ago, but unfortunately, since I'm in the UK, I'm still waiting to get in to see a physiotherapist on the NHS.
So my questions are, should I try to get another opinion on what the problem is? I felt like the orthopedist was very confident in the diagnosis, but I'm just wondering if this sounds right? Also, while I'm waiting to see a physiotherapist, what exercises could/should I be doing to help the problem? As I said, I miss exercise and the unfortunate side effect as well is that I've gained 15 pounds, so I would also like to get back in shape. I'd also like to eventually run that feasible with physiotherapy?
Because this might be all related, I should mention that I have over-pronation in both of my feet and the left one is extremely severe. I had orthotics made for running a few months ago, but because I haven't been able to work out, I haven't had much of a chance to see if they'll help. I had to have those made because I continually had pain in my shins as a result of the overpronation. Also, I tore my ACL in my left knee a few years ago, but the surgeon I saw at the time told me that the tear wasn't bad enough that I had to have surgery to repair it. I only get occasional twinges of pain in that knee, but nothing that causes any problems for me.
I'm sorry for having to write so much, but thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
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