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    Matrix rythm therapy

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    I have had a surgery in my neck lymphnode.Since then my left spinal accessory nerve has been damaged.My physiotherapist has suggested Matrix Rhythm Therapy for my nerve regeneration in my left shoulder.Am already undergoing physiotherapy exercises and EMS.

    I want to know if Matrix Rhythm therapy is worth it and will it be really helpful?


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    Re: Matrix rythm therapy

    Hi Angel

    Matrix Rhythm Therapy is a form of electrotherapy (treatment by some sort of electrical current that is applied to the body tissues) that is supposed to harmonise the rhythm of cells that have become out of sync. While there are some well recognised body rhythms such as heart beat and respiration Matrix Rhythm Therapy claims to identify and tap into more subtle cellular rhythms.

    It is a completely novel therapy without any evidence that it works - as far as I can see - no clinical trials to date, and certainly no clinical trials on assisting the repair of perhipheral nerves. The theory behind it - at least what I could find, suggests a rather new age approach, rather than a truly scientific approach, and that it is without a sound biomedical base. Over the years the field of electrotherapy has produced a myriad of these sorts of fads that offer to heal all sorts of problems, often that don't have effective treatments that are already available. In fact there is a history of such electrical and magnetic treatments that even predates physiotherapy and go back to event to travelling quacks who would espouse panaceas to the vulnerable public.

    So it probably will do nothing - but who knows. the final question then is can it do any harm? Many people are prepared to give these sorts of treatments a go, even without a sound base, as otherwise it is just waiting and seeing to what extent the nerve grows back of its own accord and as there are no sound treatments for nerve damage, some people are willing to experiment with these sorts of treatments. Sorry to say I know nothing of the safety of Matrix Rhythm Therapy, but this is a crucial question to know before trying such experimental treatments. As there are no studies of harm from such a therapy I would approach such treatment with caution. Protagonists often dismiss that their treatments can cause harm because they uses low levels of electrical activity. However any treatment that is powerful enough to have a therapeutic effect is probably also able to cause harm.

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    Re: Matrix rythm therapy

    Hi Angel,

    Matrix Rhythm Therapy is not electrical current. Matrix Rhythm Therapy is developed after University Research in Germany and it has a strong scientific base.

    There are lot of scientific studies presented and proved on various problems of spine. While going through your description I am sure it will help you a lot. I suggest you first you should go to a Therapist who has Matrix Rhythm Therapy in his unit. Feel it, ask him quesion if you have any, understand it and then go for a session.


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    Re: Matrix rythm therapy

    Hi neurorehab - can you please list some of the studies you are referring to? it sounds interesting.


    [B]Antony Lo
    The Physio Detective
    APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
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    The goal of physiotherapy is to restore optimum function - that is to move freely and maintain positions without causing damage either now or in the future. This requires the assessment and restoration of efficient load transfer throughout the whole body.
    The entry above constitutes general advice only and does not take the place of a proper assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Opinions expressed are solely the opinions of Antony Lo.

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    Re: Matrix rythm therapy

    hii angel.
    i think definately matrix rhythm therapy wii help u.
    where do u stay.if u dont mind i ll suggest few name,he ll treat u.

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    Re: Matrix rythm therapy

    Quote Originally Posted by angel0811 View Post

    I have had a surgery in my neck lymphnode.Since then my left spinal accessory nerve has been damaged.My physiotherapist has suggested Matrix Rhythm Therapy for my nerve regeneration in my left shoulder.Am already undergoing physiotherapy exercises and EMS.

    I want to know if Matrix Rhythm therapy is worth it and will it be really helpful?

    I am currently having this therapy done
    It feels like a deep tissue massage and works for pain for about an hour then I'm back to the way I was before hand. My doc said I need 10 sessions....5 weeks 2x a week and it only works when u do it like this but I have had my normal bad days and after the sessions I do feel good but it doesn't seem like its gonna be a miracle worker. The pain and stiffness is still persistent but the therapy is soothing. It hasn't been the surgery saving type of rehab and I don't think it will cure my pain and stiffness resulting from my last L5 S1 spinal fusion.
    Hope that helps!

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    Re: Matrix rythm therapy

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Quote Originally Posted by Mister miagy View Post
    I am currently having this therapy done
    It feels like a deep tissue massage and works for pain for about an hour then I'm back to the way I was before hand. My doc said I need 10 sessions....5 weeks 2x a week and it only works when u do it like this but I have had my normal bad days and after the sessions I do feel good but it doesn't seem like its gonna be a miracle worker. The pain and stiffness is still persistent but the therapy is soothing. It hasn't been the surgery saving type of rehab and I don't think it will cure my pain and stiffness resulting from my last L5 S1 spinal fusion.
    Hope that helps!
    matrix rhythmus therapy definately will help u, but along with this u need to do few spine related exercies..e.g stretching of hams,piriformis,DLF,spinal mobilty exs and core strengthening exs.....combination of matrix therapy & exercises..u ll recoer fastely....

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