Brief Medical History Overview
Weber C and the Aircast

Like many others, Ihave sustained a Weber C fracture from an exorotation of my right foot during a skiing fall. 11th Jan 2010... Syndesmotic rupture, Weber C - ORIF, ligament 'disruption' etc. Hard to tell exactly what else, as the operation report is in German
, but overall I don't believe there are any other serious complications. I have a couple of questions:
Given that I have been given an Aircast, and can wiggle my toes comfortably when I have the cast off and wheel myself around the house "quite safely" (?) in my chair, how do I draw the line as to what I can and can't do genuinely safely.
I haven't had much advice about the boundaries for with and without the Aircast on - I have also been given varying pieces of conflicting advice about weightbearing and so on.
Can I start some sorts of physio already or must I wait? - I worry about calf wasting. Can I accelerate the ligament healing with masage or something?
I'm quite nervous I will push it too far by just returning to normal too quickly as with the Aircast off it creates an illusion that all is well, although I know the ligaments are all damaged and the bone is held together by the plate and screws.
any advice would be very welcome - thanks
PS insurance won't pay as they say I had been transferred to a private clinic in an EU country (sucks!) still fighting it
I have a cool
MRI montage though
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