Brief Medical History Overview
Median nerve/cubital fossa issues

Ladies and gents,
I was wondering if you could help me, as I'm at a loss for what to do.
I seem to have issues with the median nerve in my left elbow. When I bend my arm, and the angle passes roughly 30 degrees, I experience a clicking in my elbow. This only happens, however, when my palm is facing directly upwards. This is obviously not much of an issue on its own, but when I bear any weight in my left arm and carry out the same action it sends a tingling down my arm, which gets more and more painful the more I carry out the action. Judging by the location of the 'epicentre' of the pain, it's the median nerve being flicked.
I'm a soldier, and this is sort of ruining my training, as it's virtually impossible to carry out bicep curls and chin ups (ie. underhand grip), two of the staple exercises of my unit.
I've seen a physio before about this, and he gave me nerve stretches to do, unfortunately to no avail.
I was wondering if any of you have ever come across this before, and if any of you have a solution, which preferably does not involve surgery.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
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