Im just hoping to find some answers about my knee.
The story:
I am 31, active male. October 19 2009 sustained depression medial tibial plateau fracture minimally displaced after accident on bicycle. Dr. opted for non-operative treatment. Wore brace immobilizing leg and no weight bearing for almost two months as bone was slow to heal, and risk of displacement was present. Developed DVT (clotts) increasing leg pain and swelling. Since mid-december have been weight bearing, and seeing physiotherapist twice a week. Knee started at 33 degrees flexation and has now improved to 66 degrees (almost 2 months of physio). Have not hadMRI on knee, manipulation tests have not been performed as knee is still very swollen and stiff. Physiotherapist hopes to asses ligaments (mcl +pcl) in near future to determine if MRI is required. Leg very stiff, still quite painful after walking, and wakes me up during sleep when i shift leg. Was taking percocet and T3, have stopped taking pain meds, as am on blood thinners due to DVT. Pain is bearable, but i am not comfortable much of the day.
My questions:
I have read online that immobilization of knee for more than 3 weeks can cause permanent damage ie. stiffness in knee that cannot be corrected by physiotherapy. My orthopedic doctor is not very communicative, and im worried that he left my leg immobilized for too long. My physiothereapist is great, and very nice, but not great at giving me information about how im doing, if there is risk of permanent knee damage. I guess im hoping that someone might be able to share their experiences and either reassure me that im on the road to recovery and shouldnt worry, or if there are concerns, i would like to know about them, and consider switching orthopedic doctors.
if anyone requires anymore info, i would be happy to provide it, and thanks for reading this.
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