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Tight upper trapezius?
Hi guys im having some problems with my left shoulder and was wondering what you make of it.
This is hard for me to explain so bare with me lol...
When overheading pressing with my right shoulder everything is fine, i feel i can keep my scapula depressed and pretty firmly fixed while my humourus rotates 90 degrees straight upwards. My upper trap feels like its minimally involved and my deltoid feels like it gets strongy deltoid feels independant to my upper trapezius fibres another words, standard pressing motion i guess.
However with the left shoulder when i repeat the same movement and press upwards it feels like theres hardly any seperation between my deltoid and my upper trapezius and when looking in the mirror instead of seeing the nice single crease seperation between the trapezius and the deltoid like in the above picture theres a second crease alone the trapezius muscle which makes it look and feel bunched up and theres slightly limited ROM.
Activation wise it feels like my trapezius gets heavily activated whereas my deltoid doesn't.
Im wondering now whether its possible a short or overactive trapezius muscle would pull the shoulder in towards the body when being raised overhead and limiting deltoid activation?
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